• Description

    The course allows to carry out all the procedures and maneuvers useful for the management of RPAS with aircraft having operating take-off mass of less than 25 kg for Critical Operations in VLOS and it is aimed at performing independently flight operations and checks compliance for HSE applications

  • Program

    Practical aspects

    The course includes no less than 30 practical sessions as follows:

    • at least 17 flight missions of 10 minute with dual remote control
    • at least 13 flight missions of 10 minute supervised by the instructor

    Flight Missions

    • Controls effect
    • Straight level flight
    • Change of direction, go up and down
    • Simple navigation (with GPS)
    • Navigation without GPS
    • Take-off and landing
    • Traffic circuits
  • Next sessions

    To be defined

  • Prerequisites

    RPAS Pilot Certificate (Non-Critical Operations)

  • Certification

    Apt Safety Group certificate

  • Conducted by

    Flight Instructors (FI APR) recognized by ENAC

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