• Description

    The course provides all the personnel operating on ships with safety training in accordance with IMO STCW’95/10.

  • Course program


    Safety at work procedures

    • Introduction
    • Course importance
    • Familiarization with the ship
    • To collect the right equipment to contrast dangers
    • Use of PPE
    • List of potentially dangerous operations
    • Loading/unloading operations
    • Mooring and unmooring
    • Closed environments
    • Hot work
    • Activities at height
    • Watchkeeping and maintenance

    Use of human resources and relationships development on board

    • Interpersonal relationships
    • Group creation
    • Team work
    • Comprehension and communication of orders in relation to the different tasks
    • Communication principles
    • Communication methods
    • Communication barriers
    • Capacity for communication
    • Ability to listen
    • Effects and consequences of incorrect communication
    • Communication summary

    Emergency procedures

    • Explanation of “emergency state”
    • Procedures and crew’s roles during emergencies
    • The importance of training and procedures
    • Internal communication

    Prevention of marine environment pollution

    • Definition of “pollution”
    • Effects of functional or accidental marine pollution
    • International measures to prevent and avoid pollution and polluting products containment
    • Pollution due to sewage discharged into the sea
    • Control on mineral oil discharge (coming from machinery areas and oil tanks)
    • Oils register contents
    • Control on mineral oils discharge and special areas
    • MARPOL 6th annex – introduction to contents

    Use of human resources and relationships development on board(conclusion)

    Social responsibilities

    • Crew’s rights and obligations
    • Employment conditions
    • Alcohol and drugs: responsibility, dangers and prevention
    • Health and hygiene on board
  • Next dates

    Course available on request

  • Certification

    Certificate recognized by general command of the Coast Guard
    (only after passing the final examination)

  • Prerequisites
    • Inscription to the register “gente di mare” (“seafarers”)
    • Valid biennial medical examination
    • Passport and medical certificate
  • Purpose

    To provide an adequate training on personal safety for the personnel operating on ships (in accordance with IMO STCW’95/10)

  • Conducted by

    Instructors who have been authorized by the general command of the Coast Guard through decree issued by the Minister of infrastructures and transport

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    • Use of human resources on board
    • Human relationships development on board
    • Social responsibilities
    • Precautions to take for the prevention of marine environment pollution
    • Emergency procedures
    • Procedures for safety at work
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