ITLS (International Trauma Life Support) – ADVANCED

  • Description

    The ITLS course ranges from the most relevant problems of acute out-of-hospital trauma, giving the possibility to the learner to learn the therapeutic diagnostic algorithms of the most relevant traumatic pathologies, in accordance with the most recent scientific studies concerning the treatment and atraumatic transport of traumatized patients.


    The course is provided in two versions, Basic and Advanced: the Advanced version, in particular, is aimed at healthcare personnel, thus focusing attention on the therapeutic aspect and on those maneuvers that are proper to the healthcare profession, such as advanced management of airways or infusion of intravenous therapies.


    The duration of the course is approximately 16 hours – including breaks and theoretical-practical exams. The training is divided into 8 hours of frontal lessons and 8 hours of practical stations.

  • Program
  • Next sessions
  • Prerequisites
  • Certification
  • Conducted by
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