• Description

    The course provides updatings and detailed information in terms of health and safety at work, focusing on employees’ in charge roles.

  • Course program

    Theoretical aspects


    Legal and regulatory specific framework, updating and technical instructions on the risks to which workers are exposed, updating on company safety organisation and management and:


    • Employee-in-charge’s role and related law cases: tasks, obligations, responsibilities
    • The employee in charge in relation to the other subjects of the company prevention system
    • Definition of: danger, risk, prevention and protection and their recognition and evaluation
    • Technical, organisational and procedural measures
    • Accidents and near-miss accidents
    • Communication and sensibilization techniques addressed to the employees, in particular to newly hired employees, interns and foreigners
    • How to supervise workers to ensure that they accurately comply with the company safety measures, a correct use of collective and personal protection devices at their disposal


    Final tests to verify the competences

  • Next dates

    Weekly frequency

  • Certification


  • Prerequisites

    Attendance of: general course for employees, specific course for employees and the additional course for employees in charge

  • Purpose

    To update the skills acquired during the basic course

  • Conducted by

    According to the different themes, the course will be conducted by personnel with documented experience in the field of training, prevention, safety and health in work environments

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    Contents established by the State-Regions Agreement (December 21, 2011)


    Final test: competences evaluation

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