• Description

    The course aims to qualify as teachers of flight activities in order to issue the RPAS Pilot Certificate requested by ENAC. The goal is to lead the pilot student to acquire knowledge for giving theoretical lessons and to carry out practical sessions with RPAS equipped with dual remote control

  • Program

    Theoretical / Practical aspects

    Teaching and Learning on the following topics:

    • Meteorology
    • Flight performance and planning
    • Technical-operational mitigation and risk management
    • RPAS regulation
    • Knowledge of aeronautical communications

    – SORA risk analysis
    – Flight maneuvers
    – Practical sessions

  • Next sessions

    To be defined

  • Prerequisites

    RPAS Pilot Certificate in VLOS Critical Operations and at least 100 flight missions of 10 minute in Critical Operations

  • Certification

    RPAS Flight Instructor  – ENAC certificate

  • Conducted by

    Flight Instructors (FI APR) recognized by ENAC

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