• Description

    The course provides an updated legal, technical and organizational framework related to specific risks to which workers are exposed in their work context.

  • Course program

    Theoretical aspects


    • Legal and regulatory specific framework
    • Updating on the risks to which workers are exposed
    • Updating on company safety organisation and management
    • Risk sources and prevention


    Final tests to verify the competences

  • Next dates

    Weekly frequency

  • Certification


  • Prerequisites

    General course and specific course attendance

  • Purpose

    To update the skills acquired during the basic course

  • Conducted by

    According to the different themes, the course will be conducted by personnel with documented experience in the field of training, prevention, safety and health in work environments

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    Relevant evolutions and innovations in the field of health and safety at work.

    The needs of the company are defined in collaboration with the responsible for prevention and protection services or other similar professional figures. The contents are chosen from those proposed by the State-Regions Agreement (December 21, 2011)


    Final test: competences evaluation

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